PMS, PMDD and pain
Most of us who’ve experienced PMS or PMDD will be familiar with symptoms that cause us discomfort; whether that’s physical, psychological or behavioural. Although where we experience this pain and how severe it is may differ from person to person and month to month, aches, pains, soreness and tenderness are all (frustratingly) very common in the two weeks leading up to our period. As with all symptoms of PMS and PMDD, there are a number of theories as to what causes pre-period pain. Underlying them all are hormones and our individual sensitivity to such.
It’s important to note that non-cyclical pain, that is, pain that doesn’t subside once you get your period, could be an indicator of an underlying medical condition. Some conditions not directly related to our menstrual cycle can be exacerbated by it, including temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction, fibromyalgia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), and Interstitial Cystitis (IC). Pain that presents in areas similar to PMS, such as breast, abdominal, and ovaries, but doesn’t subside once we get our period, may be related to other conditions.
Understanding your body and what is ‘normal’ for you can help you identify any out-of-the-ordinary changes to the pain or discomfort you experience. If you’re experiencing severe pain, cyclical or not, it’s important to seek advice from a healthcare professional.
Final Thoughts
PMS pain is a common occurrence for many people with periods, but it's important to understand the causes and types you experience. From at-home remedies to over-the-counter medications and alternative therapies, there are lots of treatment options available to relieve pain occurring during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. Remember, you’re not alone when it comes to PMS and PMDD, and sometimes even the knowledge that other people are going through the same thing as you, and learning how they deal with their experiences, can help you manage yours. Join the Evelyn community to access advice, support and resources about all things PMS and PMDD.
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