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Super Regular

Super Regular contains high-quality, hormone-free ingredients that are clinically proven to address the underlying causes of PMS & PMDD, reduce symptoms and help you feel yourself
Improve mood, sleep & focus
Support gut health & immunity
Reduce pain, bloating & inflammation
Alleviate stress, anxiety & irritability
Purchase Option
One Time
Selling Plan

Subscribe and save 20%

Monthly subscription
£40 / mo
• 30-day supply, delivered monthly
• Auto-renews every month
• Free premium starter kit: worth £65
Free shipping
Pause or cancel any time
  • Benefits

    Super Regular is designed to address all known physical, emotional and behavioural symptoms related to PMS and PMDD

  • How to take

    Take 1 'Rhythm' capsule and 3 'Restore capsules every day. Take 1 shake daily for the last 10 days of your cycle.

  • Storage

    Store in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight. No refrigeration necessary.

    Top tip: keep Super Regular visible in your kitchen to help build a healthy habit.

High-quality ingredients
Independently tested
No prescription necessary
Approved by doctors
High-quality ingredients
Independently tested
No prescription necessary
Approved by doctors
High-quality ingredients
Independently tested
No prescription necessary
Approved by doctors

Trusted by women like you

How it works
Step 1: Rhythm
A custom strain probiotic with 65 billion CFUs, combined with plant-based extracts and essential vitamins & delivered in a delayed-release capsule.
Step 2: Restore
A precise, custom blend of plant-based omega-3 fatty acids and evening primrose oil, which contain essential omega-6 fatty acids, GLA and LA.
Step 3: Revive
A potent combination of fast acting ingredients, including magnesium, calcium, L-tryptophan, vitamin B6 & curcumin,  combined with a high-quality ‘super greens’ blend.
Heavy metals
Animal products
Heavy metals
Animal products
Why is Evelyn
right for you?
Other brands
Designed specifically for PMS & PMDD
Formulated by scientists and dieticians
Independently third-party tested
Contains clinically proven ingredients
Unique three-step cycle care routine
Designed to address all known symptoms
Customised to the different cycle phases
Designed for optimal nutrient absorption
Free from gluten, dairy and added sugar
Sustainable, plastic-free packaging
All-in-one solution. Unbeatable value
Free premium starter kit
* compared with market competitors
What are the benefits?
Physical Pain
Mood Swings
Brain Function
Gut Health
Energy Levels
Mood Swings
Brain Function
Evening primrose oil (EPO) & omega-3 reduce inflammation & support neurotransmitter activity, helping to improve focus, memory & mental clarity
Gut Health
Physical Pain
Magnesium helps relax muscles, reducing cramps & tension, while curcumin’s anti-inflammatory properties alleviate pain & swelling
Mood Swings
L-tryptophan boosts serotonin while calcium, magnesium, curcumin, & vitamin B6 balance hormones, reducing irritability, anxiety, & stress
Sleep quality
Energy Levels
What are the benefits?
Mood swings
Probiotics enhance serotonin production, helping stabilise mood, while vitamin D boots serotonin & reduces mood swings
Gut Health
Probiotics boots microbiome diversity, improving digestion, mood, immunity, skin, brain function & hormone metabolism
Brain Function
Probiotics enhance gut health, aiding brain function, focus & mood. Chasteberry regulates hormones, reducing brain fog
Physical Pain
Chasteberry & vitamin D reduce breast tenderness, cramps, bloating, constipation, headaches & joint-related pain
Energy Levels
EPO & omega-3 boost energy by enhancing cellular production, improving hormone balance, & reducing inflammation
Gut Health
EPO and omega-3 improve gut health & inflammation, aiding hormone regulation, which helps ease bloating, cramps & emotional imbalance
Brain Function
Evening primrose oil (EPO) & omega-3 reduce inflammation & support neurotransmitter activity, helping to improve focus, memory & mental clarity
Mood Swings
EPO & omega-3 reduce inflammation & support serotonin activity, helping balance hormones & stabilise emotions
Energy levels
Magnesium reduces fatigue by supporting muscle function, whilst vitamin B6 aids in energy metabolism
Physical pain
Magnesium helps relax muscles, reducing cramps & tension, while curcumin’s anti-inflammatory properties alleviate pain & swelling
Mood swings
L-tryptophan boosts serotonin while calcium, magnesium, curcumin, & vitamin B6 balance hormones, reducing irritability, anxiety, & stress
Sleep quality
L-tryptophan boosts serotonin, regulating sleep. Magnesium relaxes muscles, while vitamin B6 & calcium aid melatonin production

Your new routine

Three products uniquely designed for each phase of your cycle.
1. Rhythm


Eases low mood, irritability, pain, bloating, breast tenderness

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What does a probiotic do?

Delivers billions of colony-forming bacteria to the gut and boosts microbiome diversity.

A healthier gut means improved digestion, mood, immunity, skin, health, brain function, nutrient absorption & hormone metabolism

Vitamin D

Ease low mood, mood swings, anxiety, breast tenderness

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What does vitamin D do?

People with PMDD and PMS are usually deficient in vitamin D.

Vitamin D is used to make neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, which help boost our mood.

It’s also a great anti-inflammatory.


Eases irritability, mood swings, anger, pain, bloating, constipation & breast tenderness

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What does chasteberry do?

Chasteberry mimics the positive effects of oestrogen and dopamine.

This leads to improved mood, positivity, self-confidence, energy, satiety, and sleep quality.

2. Restore


Eases low mood, anxiety, nerves, lack of focus, breast tenderness

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What does a EPO do?

People with PMDD and PMS have higher levels of inflammation.

EPO contains gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), which is a powerful anti-inflammatory.

It also helps reduce the itchiness of skin conditions.

Evening primrose oil

Eases low mood, irritability, fatigue, breast tenderness

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What does omega-3 do?

Omega-3 is a powerful anti-inflammatory our bodies can't naturally produce.

It improves the brain's capacity to send and receive messages. Plus, it’s thought to help reduce the risk of depression and anxiety.

3. Revive


Eases low mood, anxiety, anger, headaches, fatigue, bloating

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What does magnesium do?

People with PMDD and PMS are deficient in magnesium.

It helps regulate the effect progesterone has on the brain, boosting mood, and modulating how we respond to stress.

It also helps stabilise blood sugar.


Eases low mood, anxiety, fatigue, appetite fluctuations

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What does calcium do?

The body needs calcium to produce neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and GABA

Calcium helps support cognitive function, improving mood, focus, and energy levels.

Vitamin B6

Eases low mood, anxiety, sadness, irritability, tiredness

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What does vitamin B6 do?

The body needs vitamin B6 to produce neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and GABA.

Vitamin B6 helps improve mood, focus, and energy levels.


Eases low mood, anxiety, stress, irritability, pain, poor sleep

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What does L-Tryptophan do?

L-Tryptophan is an amino acid our bodies can't naturally produce.

It helps make neurotransmitters such as serotonin and melatonin.

These boost mood and sleep, and support digestive, reproductive, and immune systems.

Curcumin & piperine

Eases low mood, anxiety, pain, bloating, breast tenderness

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What do curcumin and piperine do?

People with PMDD and PMS have higher levels of inflammation.

Curcumin is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent which also helps boost neurotransmitter production.

Piperine increases curcumin absorption by 2000%.


Eases low mood, bloating, gas, constipation, cravings

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What does supergreens do?

Supergreens provides vitamins, minerals, complex carbohydrates, and prebiotic fibre.

It alleviates deficiencies, fuels our gut microbiota, and protects L-tryptophan so the brain can use it to make serotonin.

Formulated by doctors
& women's health experts
Dr Colleen Fogarty,
Chief Nutrition Officer

“Food and nutrition play a vital role in your menstrual cycle rhythmicity & hormone-related symptoms”

Colleen is a dynamic nutrition scientist with 30yrs of expertise in personalisation and clinical nutrition. She focuses on creating tailored solutions for women, linking nutritional needs to hormonal health.

Dr Lizzy con Westerholt,
Clinical Lead

“Hormones are powerful substances, and their impact on our minds and bodies shouldn’t be underestimated”

Lizzy is a GP with a special
interest in women’s health at all life stages. She has 
extensive digital health and in-person patient experience, 
and brings a deep passion and expertise in women’s health to the Evelyn team.

From scientists and dieticians, to gynaecologists and psychologists,
we work with experts who are the best at what they do.
So you can get back to being the best at what you do.


  • How to take Super Regular

    A little red capsule. Take one each day.

    Little orange capsules. Take three each day.

    A dark green powder. Mix with water and enjoy as a cold drink each day during the final ten days of your cycle (aka, the ten days before your next period begins).

  • Who is this supplement for?

    Super Regular can be taken by anyone who experiences PMS or PMDD symptoms.

    Whether you're looking to ease mood swings, reduce breast tenderness, feel less anxious, boost sleep quality and energy levels, or improve overall wellbeing, Super Regular is perfect for you.

    If you're breastfeeding, being treated for any medical condition, or taking medication, please consult your GP before adding Super Regular to your diet. Not suitable for people who are pregnant.

  • What can I expect from taking it?

    Some ingredients will have an instant effect on mood, energy, sleep, and gut health.Other ingredients take approximately two to three months to take effect.

    This is because many nutrients need time to build up in the body before they can do a particular job.

    Therefore, we recommend taking Super Regular consistently for three months before assessing the full effect it has for you.

  • Does it contain artificial ingredients?

    All ingredients in Super Regular are naturally sourced. The colour of each product is a result of the natural colour of its components, eg, beetroot, chlorella, spirulina, and evening primrose oil, all of which are naturally colourful.

  • What if i’m pregnant or breastfeeding?

    We recommend that breastfeeding women speak to their GP before adding Super Regular to their diet.It is not suitable for people who are pregnant as evening primrose oil can cause the cervix to soften.

  • What about hormonal contraception?

    Nope. When we designed Super Regular we ensured that it wouldn't interfere with your natural cycle or hormonal contraception.It doesn't change hormone levels or the nature of your cycle.

    Instead, it combats the negative, knock-on effects caused by fluctuating hormones.Super Regular is hormone-free.

  • I have a pre-existing medical condition

    If you are taking medication, or have a pre-existing medical condition, please consult your GP before adding Super Regular to your diet.

  • How does the subscription work?

    Regardless of your subscription type, you will receive 30 days worth of supplements each month.

    The 'frequency' of your subscription impacts the billing cycle, not delivery.

    If you have chosen a monthly subscription, you will be billed every month.If you have chosen a three-month subscription, you will be billed once every three months.

  • Why did you call it Super Regular?

    Deeper meanings
    The invention of tampons was a huge leap in the way the world acknowledges and caters for women’s health. But, along with this revelation came labelling and expectation setting. For almost a century, ‘traditional’ women’s health companies have been pigeonholing us.

    By choosing to name one tampon size ‘regular’, these companies set a precedent for what is now an industry that feeds off women thinking they’re ‘irregular’. Society thrives off us trying to be something else - it makes for great sales.We say to hell with that.

    You’re awesome as you are. By combining super and regular, we’re leaning into those labels and redefining them, flipping archaic perceptions on their heads and encouraging women and girls to be unapologetically themselves.

    We’re just a bunch of super regular women, doing super regular things.

    Day-to-day meanings
    We know that some of the most frustrating symptoms of PMDD and PMS are the fluctuating moods, fireballs of anger, and almost instant irritability that come over us. They shift us into a different state of mind, a different personality.

    One that doesn’t feel like us.So, we created a product that works in many different areas of the body to help keep our systems steady. It helps bring us back from the lowest lows, restoring our rhythm, so we can feel ourselves 24/7, every day of the cycle.

Our Reviews
Effective and Elegant
I unboxed my Evelyn package and I was struck by the sleek and modern design of each product. Each item feels like it belongs on a high-end spa shelf rather than just a regular health product line up.
Sarah W
Verified buyer
Great product, nothing else like it on the market!!
The supplements have really helped to ease my pms symptoms, I used to just put up with debilitating symptoms every single month, and be dreading my period. Now, I don't even think about it, its really changed my whole outlook. The health hub on the website is also a great resource.
Emma R
Verified buyer
Really pleased!!
So far I’ve had my first order in my subscription. I really like the packaging. I was a bit concerned about having to take 4 tablets each day but I’m already getting used to it (forces me to drink more water which is good!)
Elizabeth W
Verified buyer
Great Product
Website was simple to navigate and order from. Arrived quickly and beautiful packaging. Look forward to giving this a try!
Jo C
Verified buyer

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