Evelyn isn't anyone.

We're everyone.

Everyone who’s been ignored, dismissed, or disadvantaged because of biology.

A collective of those told our pain is normal and our worries insane, and have finally had enough of a life with a bad cycle.

PMDD and PMS affect more than 80% of women. Most of us will get one or the other at some point in life. But not even half of us know it’s PMDD or PMS we’re experiencing.

We’re here to find the facts, build the solutions, spread the word, and transform our day-to-day to ensure the menstrual cycle is no longer a disadvantage.

We’re the PMDD and PMS people.


To transform the
'other half' of the cycle.


Real-life PMS and PMDD stories guide everything we do.


Health equality,
for everyone, throughout their life.


We’re driven by data and solve through science — there’s no hocus pocus here.


We is the key. There's only one way to truly unlock PMDD & PMS: 

Early innovators

We’re challenging traditions that hold us back.

The PMDD & PMS People

Jared Williams
Jared Williams


Angie Hobbs
Angie Hobbs


Harrie Folland
Harrie Folland


Bonnie Hatcher
Bonnie Hatcher

Head of marketing

Colleen Draper
Colleen Draper

Production formulation

Lizzy von Westerholt
Lizzy von Westerholt

Clinical lead

Erin Cassaly
Erin Cassaly

Product development

Founding roots

That’s one of the main reasons I started Evelyn. I became aware of PMDD because someone close to me found out they might have it. When searching online for ways in which I could support them, I found very little. Considering how life-changing, and life-threatening, this condition is, I couldn’t believe the lack of research, help, and solutions on offer.

As humans, we’re very good at disassociating from things that aren’t pleasant, especially if we’ve never experienced them first-hand. We never know how inaccessible shops are until we’re pushing a pram or a wheelchair. We never know what it’s like to have an allergy until our child has a severe reaction. I don’t shy away from the fact that, as a man, it wasn’t until I had my daughter, that the reality of PMDD hit home.

I can’t have her growing up in a world where she’s expected to ‘just get on with’ half a life full of pain, anxiety, depression, and worse. The value of empathy is huge, and it's abundantly clear how much work is needed to change the world's perception of female health. It isn’t an afterthought or an option, it’s a necessity.

- Jared, Founder & CEO

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